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영작문 잘 쓰기 - 주제, 견해, 관점 (Topic, Opinion, Viewpoint)

by Brilliant Idea 2022. 7. 25.

1. 주제 (~에 관해)  : About, On, As for, As to, concerning, regarding, with regard to 등 다양하게 사용 

  • About, Considering, Regarding : 주로 사용됨 / I have often thought about this problem. / I am emailing you concerining your housing needs. / We need further discussion and collaboration regarding / concerning the current issues. 
  • on, as to : ~에 관해, ~에 대해로 사용 (좀더 격식) / He has many books on Japan. (일본에 관한 책) / She published several books on American history. / I was uncertain as to which course to take. (어떤 코스를 선택할 지에 대해 불확실하다.) / Please advise as to the beginning and end dates of your stay. 
  • Relating / related to ~에 관련해 로 주제를 나타낼 때 사용 가능 / All questions relating to the event should be directed to Caroline. / People can use texting to ask questions related to health. 
  • As for, with regard to 는 이미 논의되고 있는 주제에 주로 쓰임 / As for the house, there is some furniture in it, but not much. (그 집에 대하여.. 로 그 전에 이미 논의된 바 있는 주제임 ) / With regard to this, I will show you a few examples. 
  • In regard to, with respect to 도 ~에 관해 라는 의미로 사용됨  He is very formal in regard to himself. / They differ with respect to the other factors they measure. / With respect to gas prices, the big question is this. 

2. 견해 - in one's opinion / from one's viewpoint / from one's point of view / from the standpoint of one's

  • in one's opinion / In one's opinion, there is not a great deal of time left.
  • From one's point of view / Try to look at the things from her poin tof view. 
  • 자신의 견해 - In my opinion / view
  • 내가 아는 정도를 말할 때 - as far as I am concerend, to my knowledge, as far as I know 등 사용 

3. 관점 - From a purely practical point of view (= viewpoint) 

  • in terms of 는 특정 주제의 명사와 함께 사용 / This job is great in terms of salary. 
  • From a purely practical point of view, this room is too small. 
  • She always looks at things from a technological standpoint. 
  • We should rethink the meaning of the historic event in a modern perspective view
  • Let's look at this through a feminist lens. (페미니스트의 관점에서 보자.) 

※ in light of = becuase of 의 의미 / We cancelled the meeting in light of the tragic accident. 

<출처: 방송통신대 영작문 II 교재>