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영작문 연습 - 정확한 어휘의 선택

by Brilliant Idea 2022. 7. 17.

1. 명사 

  - study 추상적인 배움(추상명사로 단수) vs 공부 (복수명사 가능) 

  - Guidance : 도움 지도  

  - Flashlight : 손전등 

  - Objective : 목표 

  - Neighborhood : 이웃 

  - Drawback : 약한 단점, Defect : 심각한 단점, Fault : 인간의 실수 

 1) The winners of each competition were rewards.  ==> awards

2) Everyone desires harmonization among Christians.==> harmony

3) They story involves a three-related love between a wife, a husband and her lover. ==> a love triangle

4) If we don't get back to the basic, we are lost. ==> basics

5) A viloent demonstration broke out to demand of the nullification of the Union's presdient. ==> reelection

2. 동사 

  - 부르러 가다 : bring 대신 fetch 사용

  - 약을 먹다 : eat 대신 take medicine 

  - 학교에 가다 : enter 대신 go to / attend school 

  - 향상시키다 : grow 대신 develop 

  - 셔틀을 잡다 : get 대신 catch a shuttle 

  - 직장을 찾다 : get a job 은 직장이 생기다의 뜻, find a job 이 직장을 찾다의 의미 

  - 메세지를 전달하다 : Deliver a message 

  - 어떤 사실을 알게되었을 때 : Know 대신 Learned 를 쓰는 것이 자연스럽다. 

  - 기억하다 : remember 보다 recoginize (인식하다) 가 더 적당하다. (ex. Viewers often recognize some professors from by their frequent appearance on the TV Screen.) 

  - 스트레스를 없앤다 : reduce / get rid of stress 라고 쓰는 것이 좋다. (remove (x) ) 

  - 회의를 열다 : held meetings (open (x))

  - 시민권을 취득하다 : acquire Canadian citizenship. (possess(x))

  - 고통을 느끼다 : undergo (receive(x))

  - 시험에서 떨어뜨리는 것 : disqualify  (drop(x)) 

  - 자신의 입장을 말하다 : state 

  - 잠못자게 하다 : keep me sleepless 가 자연스럽다. (make me sleepless 는 어색)

1) In the dar, one cannot look well.  ==> see 

2) The board does not have to accept the advice of its advisory committees. ==> follow

3) It will fade the value of the historic event. ==> diminish

4) The boys picked up feathers from the hen. ==> plucked 

5) He tried to resemble the successful men. ==> emulate

6) I am looking at television. ==> watching

7) The crash made more than 15 people injured. ==> left

8) We should extract a resonable conclusion.==> reach

9) We must discover ways to make a peaceful society.  ==> create

10) According to the strict regulations of the new building, workers have to hand in their identification card.  ==> show

3. 형용사 

  - 아이스커피 : iced coffee 

  - 적절한 가격 : resonable price 

  - available 은 구체적인 대상, possible 은 추상적인 대상 

  - early age 어린 나이 

  - enclosed (막힌) coffee shop 

  - 과거분사는 수동, 현재분사는 능동의 의미로 사용 

1) In Korea the sky is high in the fall. ==> clear

2) These days many university graduates cannot find appropriate jobs.==> adequate

3) The woman looked gracious. ==> graceful

4) I got completely confusing with my dates. ==> confused

5) The worst is when my children look boring. ==> bored

4. 부사

  - 잘 기르다 : bring up well

  - 떨어져 살다 : liver apart 

1) I'm quite sure we'll win. 

2) We saw him teach with great passion.

3) People are losing their jobs at an earlier age

4) He broke the vase into pieces

<출처: 방송통신대학 교재 영작문 II>