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방송통신대학 영작문8

영작문시 유용한 표현들 1. AS ~ 로서, ~처럼 as it is : 현상태로 - I think this could remain as it is. (현상태로 남아 있어야 한다고 생각해) as long as : ~ 하는 한 - As long as people can communicate, there will be trades. as of ~ 날짜로 - As of May 1, about 140,000 had undergone isolation at home. 2. SO : 강조, 대용 so that = in order - They changed the law so that you had to carry a pass to go to the city. They're so disorganized that they didn't info.. 2022. 7. 24.
영작문 공부 - 어휘의 다양성 (Diversity Word Choice) 1. be 동사의 절제 - be 동사대신 다른 동사로 바꿀 것 : sound / taste / grow / feel / turn / go It is / sounds reasonable. The food was / tasted delicious. Things changed when she was / turned seven. 1) The butter was / went rotten. 2) Today's lesson will be / take one and a half hours. 3) Ms. Canterbury was sick last week, but she is / feels fine now. 2. 같은 단어의 반복을 피함 1) Before being admintted, they had to go thr.. 2022. 7. 18.
영작문 연습 - 정확한 어휘의 선택 1. 명사 - study 추상적인 배움(추상명사로 단수) vs 공부 (복수명사 가능) - Guidance : 도움 지도 - Flashlight : 손전등 - Objective : 목표 - Neighborhood : 이웃 - Drawback : 약한 단점, Defect : 심각한 단점, Fault : 인간의 실수 1) The winners of each competition were rewards. ==> awards 2) Everyone desires harmonization among Christians.==> harmony 3) They story involves a three-related love between a wife, a husband and her lover. ==> a love tria.. 2022. 7. 17.
영작문 공부 - 연어관계 (Collocation) 1. 동사 + 명사 take make do Take a look Take a breath Take an exam Taek care of Take a risk Take the/a change Take a lesson Take advantage of Take account of Take place... Make a call Make a decision Make a choice Make a mistake Make a contact Make changes Make progress Make an attempt Make an effort Make an argument Make a commitment (to) Make a recommendation Make a comment Make a statement Make a.. 2022. 7. 17.
영작 연습 - 어휘 / 모호성 제거하기 모호성의 제거 a. 대명사가 가리키는 것이 모호항 경우 - Although the car hit the street lamp, it was not damaged. (it은, 차도, 가로등도 될수 있음) ==> The car wasn't damaged when it hit the street lamp. b. 가리키는 대상이 불명확한 어휘는 피할 것 - The exercise today is more difficult than yesterday. (exercise 라고만 하면 불확실) ==> The workout session today is more difficult than yesterday. 1) I hope you find an eligible one ==> I hope you find an elig.. 2022. 7. 17.
영문법 공부하기 - 부사의 위치 부사의 위치 a. 자동사의 경우 부사는 동사 뒤, 타동사에서는 동사 앞, 문장의 마지막에 위치하는 경우도 많음 - We walked quickly to get there. (자동사 walked 뒤에 위치) - The teacher quickly gathered the children. (타동사 gathered 앞에 위치) b. 형용사나 분사형을 수식할 때 수식대상 앞에 부사 위치 - The text is deliberately meant to be dramatic and unusual. - The vase has brightly colored flowers. c. 강조의 의미를 나타내는 부사들 - You can reach out to customers at almost no cost. - So far t.. 2022. 7. 17.