'방송통신대학 영작문'에 해당되는 글 8건

  1. 2022.07.24 | 영작문시 유용한 표현들
  2. 2022.07.18 | 영작문 공부 - 어휘의 다양성 (Diversity Word Choice)
  3. 2022.07.17 | 영작문 연습 - 정확한 어휘의 선택
  4. 2022.07.17 | 영작문 공부 - 연어관계 (Collocation)
  5. 2022.07.17 | 영작 연습 - 어휘 / 모호성 제거하기
  6. 2022.07.17 | 영문법 공부하기 - 부사의 위치
  7. 2022.07.17 | 영문법 공부하기 - 가능성의 표현 (Possibilities)
  8. 2022.07.17 | 영문법 공부 - 동사의 시제 (Tense : Expressing Time)

영작문시 유용한 표현들

Study/English study | 2022. 7. 24. 00:55
Posted by Brilliant Idea


1. AS ~ 로서, ~처럼  

  • as it is : 현상태로 - I think this could remain as it is. (현상태로 남아 있어야 한다고 생각해) 
  • as long as : ~ 하는 한 - As long as people can communicate, there will be trades. 
  • as of ~ 날짜로 - As of May 1, about 140,000 had undergone isolation at home. 

2. SO : 강조, 대용 

  • so that = in order - They changed the law so that you had to carry a pass to go to the city. 
  • They're so disorganized that they didn't inform me of the deadline until today. 

3. Such :  명사구가 뒤 따름 

  • Such behavior is not tolereated. 
  • Such ~ that 구문 - You should internalize the skill to such a degree that you don't even notice it. 
  • as such : 그대로 - She will not be regarded as such. 

4. 복합전치사구 활용 

  • Contrary to (반대되는) - His though was contrary to democratic principles. 
  • becuase of / on account of /thanks to /due to / owing to ~ 떄문에, (덕분에) 
  • far from (동떨어진) - The president made it clear the war was far from over. 
  • in spite of (~에도 불구하고 ) = despite 
  • instead of (~ 대신)
  • on behalf of (~을 대신하여) - I am here on behalf of another client. 
  • on top of (게다가) - On top of that, he had to deal with medical treatments for his son. 

5. 예 (for example, such as, as follows, including, colon, dash)

  • 예 : for example - 문두 / 문장 중간에 올 경우엔 앞뒤에 쉼표 사용  - Many contries, for example, Brazil and France allow same-sex marriage. 예를 나열하는 것만으로 문장을 구성하지 말것. 
  • such as : 전체적 내용을 표시하기 위해 대표적인 예 몇가지를 드는 경우에 사용. - This category includes cars such as Tesla, Chevolet and kia. 
  • as follows, the following - '다음과 같다'라고 예를 드는 방식 - The new members are as follows: John, Smith, Brown, and Stewart. (= The new members include John, Smith, Brown, and Stewart) - the following 은 복수형으로 만들지 않고도 단수와 복수에 모두 쓸 수 있다. 
  • including, include : His books have various themes including broadcasting, rural life and travel. His book have various themes. Examples include broadcasting, rural life, and travel. 
  • 콜론 (colon) : People measure objects in three ways: length, width, and depth 
  • 대시 (dash) : He attributed his longevity to two factors - exercising and not smoking. 

6. 나열 순서 

  • First, Second, Third, Finally
  • To begin with, Next, Then, Lastly : To begin with you will learn English. Next, you will know another culture. Then, you will be able to read great literature. Finally, you will lead a sucessful life in the future. 
  • Firstly, Secondly, .. - ~ly 형을 일관되게 쓰는 것이 좋음. 
  • 결론내릴 때 : To conlcude, In conclusion, ~ concludes, To summerize, To sum up

7. 추가 

  • as well as : The shop sells books as well as newspapers. 
  • In addition to : In addition to more jobs, the report recommends better housing and improved education. 
  • 문장차원에서 추가 할때 : Besides, further, moreover, in addition 등을 쓸 수 있음 
  • Besides : 비격식체 - Besides, I lvoe old books. / I helped her out. Besides, I wanted to meet her. 
  • Moreover, Further : 격식체, what is more 와 나란히 쓰임 - Further, he has promised not to use his money. What is more, you need relatively little knowledge of either taxes or computers. 

8. 제외 

  • Except  ~을 제외하고 - 가장 많이 쓰임 / The library is open every day except Monday. 
  • except for 는 배타성을 강조할 때 좋음 / The family invited everyone except for Tim. / Except for the animals, he was alone in his house. 
  • apart from 도 제외의 의미가 있지만, as well as 의 의미가 될 수 있음에 주의할 것 / Apart from the ending, the movie was really good. / Apart from all the work, she had financial problems. (as well as 의 의미)
  • Other than 도 제외의 의미로 사용 가능 / Translation of content to languages other than English is of interest. / The beat of her pulse is throbbing, Other than that there is total silence. 
  • excluding 도 제외의 의미로 사용 가능 / Highlights of the legislation include : No more than 10 percent of calories from fat excluding eggs and cheese. 

<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 II 교재>



1. be 동사의 절제 

  - be 동사대신 다른 동사로 바꿀 것 : sound / taste / grow / feel / turn / go 

   It is / sounds reasonable. 

   The food was / tasted delicious. 

   Things changed when she was / turned seven. 

1) The butter was / went rotten. 

2) Today's lesson will be / take one and a half hours. 

3) Ms. Canterbury was sick last week, but she is / feels fine now. 

2. 같은 단어의 반복을 피함 

1) Before being admintted, they had to go through a through physical examination. 

   ==>  Before being adminitted, they had to undergo a through physical examination. 

2) It will do to do your best. 

  ==> It's good to do your best. 

3. 동의어 사용 

1) At one time or other, we all face difficulty. = adversity

2) We have to prepare for the coming crisis. = imminent

3) We would like to have a short half-hour interview with you. = conduct

4) I just finished making a book shelf. = building

4. (비)격식체 어휘의 활용 

a. 비격식체 /격식체 어휘 

  - We should help old people (격식체) / We should help the elderly / seniors. (비격식체) 

  - Her lesson began with Mozart's sonata. (격식체) / Her lesson commenced with Mozart's sonata. (비)

b. 격식의 일관성 

  - 한 문장에서 격식을 일정하게 유지하는 것이 필요함. 

c. 동사 get 의 사용 

  - 회화체에 가까운 비격식체로 다른 표현이 있을 때는 피하는 것이 좋음. 

1) It is also used in the later recovery procedures. 

   ==> It is also used in the subsequent recovery procedures. 

2) She couldn't go to school for a week. 

   ==> She has been absent from school for a week. 

3) We dined at a casual restaurant next to the marina. 

   ==> We dined at a casual restaurant adjacent to the marina. 

5. 구동사의 사용 

1) I tried to find the train times. ==> I looked up the train times. 

2) Her grandmother raised the grandson. ==> Her grandmother brought the grandson up

3) They have to submit their compositions tomorrow. ==> They have to hand in their cimpositions tomorrow. 

4) We'll have to delay the schedule until next month. ==> We'll have to put off the schedule until next month. 

<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 II 교재>


영작문 연습 - 정확한 어휘의 선택

Study/English study | 2022. 7. 17. 21:51
Posted by Brilliant Idea


1. 명사 

  - study 추상적인 배움(추상명사로 단수) vs 공부 (복수명사 가능) 

  - Guidance : 도움 지도  

  - Flashlight : 손전등 

  - Objective : 목표 

  - Neighborhood : 이웃 

  - Drawback : 약한 단점, Defect : 심각한 단점, Fault : 인간의 실수 

 1) The winners of each competition were rewards.  ==> awards

2) Everyone desires harmonization among Christians.==> harmony

3) They story involves a three-related love between a wife, a husband and her lover. ==> a love triangle

4) If we don't get back to the basic, we are lost. ==> basics

5) A viloent demonstration broke out to demand of the nullification of the Union's presdient. ==> reelection

2. 동사 

  - 부르러 가다 : bring 대신 fetch 사용

  - 약을 먹다 : eat 대신 take medicine 

  - 학교에 가다 : enter 대신 go to / attend school 

  - 향상시키다 : grow 대신 develop 

  - 셔틀을 잡다 : get 대신 catch a shuttle 

  - 직장을 찾다 : get a job 은 직장이 생기다의 뜻, find a job 이 직장을 찾다의 의미 

  - 메세지를 전달하다 : Deliver a message 

  - 어떤 사실을 알게되었을 때 : Know 대신 Learned 를 쓰는 것이 자연스럽다. 

  - 기억하다 : remember 보다 recoginize (인식하다) 가 더 적당하다. (ex. Viewers often recognize some professors from by their frequent appearance on the TV Screen.) 

  - 스트레스를 없앤다 : reduce / get rid of stress 라고 쓰는 것이 좋다. (remove (x) ) 

  - 회의를 열다 : held meetings (open (x))

  - 시민권을 취득하다 : acquire Canadian citizenship. (possess(x))

  - 고통을 느끼다 : undergo (receive(x))

  - 시험에서 떨어뜨리는 것 : disqualify  (drop(x)) 

  - 자신의 입장을 말하다 : state 

  - 잠못자게 하다 : keep me sleepless 가 자연스럽다. (make me sleepless 는 어색)

1) In the dar, one cannot look well.  ==> see 

2) The board does not have to accept the advice of its advisory committees. ==> follow

3) It will fade the value of the historic event. ==> diminish

4) The boys picked up feathers from the hen. ==> plucked 

5) He tried to resemble the successful men. ==> emulate

6) I am looking at television. ==> watching

7) The crash made more than 15 people injured. ==> left

8) We should extract a resonable conclusion.==> reach

9) We must discover ways to make a peaceful society.  ==> create

10) According to the strict regulations of the new building, workers have to hand in their identification card.  ==> show

3. 형용사 

  - 아이스커피 : iced coffee 

  - 적절한 가격 : resonable price 

  - available 은 구체적인 대상, possible 은 추상적인 대상 

  - early age 어린 나이 

  - enclosed (막힌) coffee shop 

  - 과거분사는 수동, 현재분사는 능동의 의미로 사용 

1) In Korea the sky is high in the fall. ==> clear

2) These days many university graduates cannot find appropriate jobs.==> adequate

3) The woman looked gracious. ==> graceful

4) I got completely confusing with my dates. ==> confused

5) The worst is when my children look boring. ==> bored

4. 부사

  - 잘 기르다 : bring up well

  - 떨어져 살다 : liver apart 

1) I'm quite sure we'll win. 

2) We saw him teach with great passion.

3) People are losing their jobs at an earlier age

4) He broke the vase into pieces

<출처: 방송통신대학 교재 영작문 II>


영작문 공부 - 연어관계 (Collocation)

Study/English study | 2022. 7. 17. 07:31
Posted by Brilliant Idea


1. 동사 + 명사 

take make do
Take a look
Take a breath
Take an exam
Taek care of 
Take a risk
Take the/a change
Take a lesson
Take advantage of
Take account of
Take place...
Make a call
Make a decision
Make a choice
Make a mistake
Make a contact
Make changes
Make progress
Make an attempt
Make an effort
Make an argument
Make a commitment (to)
Make a recommendation
Make a comment 
Make a statement
Make a prediction
Make a comparison
Make use
Make the most of
Make money...
Do research (on), 
Do (home)work,
Do business 
Do damage
Do the dishes
Do shipping
Do one's hair
Do (me) a favor...

1) The meeting took place in the early morning.

2) The teacher should not make a decision without listening to the explanation of the student first.

3) Terrorists took advantage of the bad weather last week. 

4) Clean your room, do your homework, and eat your vegetables. 

2. 형용사 + 명사

짝이 맞는 형용사 + 명사 

big + N heavy + N large + N great + N important + N significant + N

1) A more powerful storm will bring heavey snow.

2) There's a big difference between knowing him and being friends with him.

3) this is a great opportunity to win $500.

4) Both groups produce a satistically significant number of samples. 

3. 전치사 

V, N + at V, N + on V, N + in V, N + to V, N + for
V, A + with V + by V + of, of + N V, A + about under + N
have to do
nothing to do 
of interest
of help
of assistance

international law

1) It is all the same to me.

2) There's something wrong with this picture. 

3) I don't want my family involved in the political debate.

4) You don't have to worry about parking.

5) We need to be aware of mental illness.

6) Text messages sometimes arrive days later for some reason.

7) Tax cuts aimed at interesting investment by small businesses. 

8) Most people I know are not happy with this result.

9) I'm baffled by your lack of understanding.

10) I don't want to deprive him of the Internet.

11) A good financial setup will help you to get your present debt under control.

12) She was very angry at John because of his behavior.

13) His work has focused on the economic impacts of the current crisis. 

< 출처: 방송통신대 영작문 II 교재 >


영작 연습 - 어휘 / 모호성 제거하기

Study/English study | 2022. 7. 17. 06:18
Posted by Brilliant Idea


모호성의 제거 

a. 대명사가 가리키는 것이 모호항 경우 

  - Although the car hit the street lamp, it was not damaged. (it은, 차도, 가로등도 될수 있음) 

   ==> The car wasn't damaged when it hit the street lamp. 

b. 가리키는 대상이 불명확한 어휘는 피할 것 

  - The exercise today is more difficult than yesterday. (exercise 라고만 하면 불확실)

  ==> The workout session today is more difficult than yesterday. 

1) I hope you find an eligible one ==> I hope you find an eligible candidate. 

2) Koreans still do not comprehend the seriousness of the thing. ==> Koreans still do not comprehend the seriousness of the matter. 

성차별적인 언어에 주의 

1. 성차별 대명사의 문제 : 남성과 여성을 다 가리킬 수 있는 명사를 대명사로 받을 경우 3인칭 단수형에만 남성, 여성의 구분이 있으므로 이를 해소하는 방법을 강구해야 한다. 

a. 복수명사로 교체하면 단수명사가 와서 his를 써야하는 문제가 사라짐 

  - A singer must protect his voice. ==> Singers must protect their voice. 

  - A good writer is evaluated by his character ==> Good writers are evaluated by their character. 

b. 남성, 대명사 대신 his 또는 her 사용 

  - Each employee is given the information to do his or her job. 

c. everyone, anyone, someone 등은 경우에 따라 단수나 복수형으로 받음 

  - Someone will lose his/her property in that siuation. 

  - If anyone would like more information about the school, he/she/they can contact me. 

d. one은 소유격형으로 one's 나 his/her사용. 

  - One should obey one's /his / her parents. 

e. 대명사가 필요없는 문장으로 재구성 

  - Every player must train very hard if he wants to be a world champion. ==> To be a world champion, a player must train very hard. 

1) A student has to hand in his paper today. ==> Students have to hand in their papers today. 

2) One should choose his major carefully ==> We should choose our majority carefully. 

3) He has a large vehicle which will accommodate everyone and his luggage. ==> He has a large vehicle which will accommodate everyone and their luggage. 

2. 성차별어 

a. x-man 단어들 - 중립적인 느낌~ 

man or woman 등 성이 드러나는 어휘들 x-man 단어들의 중립적인 느낌을 드는 어휘
fireman, mailman, postman, policeman firefighter, mail carrier, postal worker, police officer
steward / stewardess, waiter / watieress flight attendant, server
businessman, businesswoman, chairman, chairwoman, salesman, saleswoman, spokeman, spokeswoman, anchorman, anchorwoman businessperson, chairperson, salesperson,salespeople,spokesperson, anchor

1) A young fireman climbed the long ladder. ==> firefighter

2) Pat works for the FBI and teaches policemen. ==> police officers

3) Could you get our waitress? ==> server

복합어의 활용 (Making use of compounds) 

붙은형 떨어진 형 하이픈 연결형
airport, eyesight, seafood, staircase,
railroad, worksheet, backpack,
moonlight, highlight, babysitter,
hairband, hairdresser, showcase,
drawback, makeup, outbreak, 
handout, blackout, leftover
high school, tran station, post office, 
hair stylist, university study, 
test taker, blood pressure, video game,
real estate, down payment, 
car wash, stop line...
empty-handed, heart-breaking,
part/full-time, long-term, must-see,
face-to-face, up-to-date, brand-new,

1. 간편한 복합어의 사용 

  - a break time for lunch ==> a lunch break 

  - I closed the door of the car. ==> I closed the car door. 

  - We have to call a technician who can repair TV ==> We have to call a TV repair man. 

1) She is preparing for a test of TOEFL. ==> She is preparing for a TOEFL test

2) I always forget where I put the key of my car. ==> I always forget where I put my car key

3) We have to find a route that is shorter than other ones. ==> We have to find a short cut.

2. 복합어의 무분별한 사용 회피

  - English study is my favorite holiday ==> Studying English is my favorite hobby. 

  - The book price is more than fifty dollars ==> The price of the book is more than fifty dolloars. 

  - The red car driver was identified as Kim. ==> The driver of the red car was identified as Kim. 

1) My study field is divided into two parts. ==> My field of study is divided into two parts.

2) Central Library construction has been delayed. ==> The construction of the Central Library has been delayed. 

3. 복합어 내부명사의 복수사용 금지 

  - 복수어의 복수어미는 마지막에만 붙일 것

  - 복수형으로 쓰이는 명사에도 적용됨 (Shoes market ==> shoe markets, shoes designers ==> shoe desingers

1) I like to go to the bookstore and look at magazine. (booksstore 가 아니고 bookstore로 쓸것)

2) I didn't know they were mountains climbers. ==> mountain climers

3) I left the shoes store quickly without a purchase ==> shoe store

4) They realized that arm control would be a necessity. ==> arms control 

4. 하이픈으로 연결해야 하는 복합어의 사용 주의

  - 수가 포함된 복합어 : 반드시 하이픈을 사용, 수 다음의 명사를 복수로 하지 않음 

  - a 20-minute cruise / the 10-year plan / a 61-year-old woman / his 6-year-old niece

1) The students went to after-school training institutions. 

2) The three-story apartment building collapsed instantly. 

3) He took care of his 6-year-old niece. 

<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 II 교재>



영문법 공부하기 - 부사의 위치

Study/English study | 2022. 7. 17. 04:12
Posted by Brilliant Idea


부사의 위치 

a. 자동사의 경우 부사는 동사 뒤, 타동사에서는 동사 앞, 문장의 마지막에 위치하는 경우도 많음 

   - We walked quickly to get there. (자동사 walked 뒤에 위치)

  - The teacher quickly gathered the children. (타동사 gathered 앞에 위치)

b. 형용사나 분사형을 수식할 때 수식대상 앞에 부사 위치  

  - The text is deliberately meant to be dramatic and unusual.

  - The vase has brightly colored flowers. 


c. 강조의 의미를 나타내는 부사들 

  - You can reach out to customers at almost no cost. 

  - So far the school has employed only a few more workers. 

  - Tell me what exactly they want to know from me. 

 d. 시간의 just, recently 는 빈도부사 always, usually, often, sometimes, never 와 같은 위치를 차지

  - I recently bought a webcam. 

  - They have just make a decision. 

1) He quickly realized that the should not be in the place. 

2) He guessed my age correctly

3) She recenly returned from a holiday in Europe. 


<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 II 교재>




1. 법조동사 (Modals) 

a. Will :  단순 예측, 화자의 의도나 의지가 반영 (높은 가능성에 자주 쓰임) 

  - I hope you will reover soon. 보다는 I hope you recover soon. 이 더 적당함. 

b. Must : 증거에 의한 추측으로 필연성에 가까움 

  - He must be a very rich man. (추측보단 정보에 의한 사실의 가능성) 

c. Should : 의무, 당연, 가능성의 의미로 사용  (당위성에 입각한 추측의 느낌) 

  - I should be at the office after 10:30 (Should 는 추정하는 것, will 은 확신의 느낌) 

d. Would : 제안, 공손, 가능성의 의미로 사용 

  - That would be my friend, Ray. (확신의 would) 

  - We would be very pleased to meet you. (공손) 

  - I would say the expression is definitely wrong. (공손한 제시) 

  - I would have called you but I was so busy. (가정의 뉘앙스) 

e. May, Could, Might : 확신이 서지 않는 추측에 may, might, could(may 보다 약한 가능성). 

  - I honestly couldn't say which is better. (과거형이지만 과거를 나타내지 않음) 

  - Could we do it over the telephone before 11 am? (공손한 제안의 could) 

  - If you had called an hour earlier, we could have talked with each other. (가정의 could) 

  - The neighbors across the street might be good people to ask about it. (to ask about it 에는 물어본다면의 의미가 들어있어 might 가 사용됨) 

  - may/might/could have V-ed 는 과거 사실에 대한 추측 

f. Can : 이론적 가능성을 나타냄 

  - You can find the house very easily. 

  - Maybe you can send me some information about it in a couple of days. 

1) The train leaves at 9, so we'll be in Daejon before lunchtime. 

2) I apologize for becoming sleepy toward the end - it must have been jet lag. 

3) I would delete that since it is somewhat sarcastic. 

4) I would appreciate if you could provide a printer for me. 

5) I'm afraid you might be upset if I tell you. 

2. 기타 가능성을 표현하는 방법 

a. be certain that / be certain to 

  - She is certain to be one of the day's highlights. 

  - I'm certain that I left the key in the car. 

b. be probable that / probably 

  - This is probably more standard and normal. 

  - It seems probable that student retention will also improve. 

c. presumably 

  - Presumably this was done by the Assembly. 

  - He had gone to the front dest, presumably to check vacancies. 

d. It is likely that / be likely to 

  - It is likely that they will hear about it. 

  - It is quite liekly that some students will generate solutions that are new to the teacher. 

  - The price of gas is likely to rise next month. 

e. It is possible that / be possible to 

  - It is possible that students' answers could be tolerable at some situations. 

  - It is possible to do something about it. 

1) It is likely that the price of corn will be high. 

2) Is it possible to enter the game without tickets?

3) In a startup, your initial plans are almost certain to be wrong in some way. 

<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 II 교재>



1. 시제의 일치 

a. 시간의 부사표현과 시제의 일치 

  - I just got back from Incheon airport a few hours ago. ( 과거 동사 + ago) 

  - I sent you a text message this morsning, Or I've sent you a text message this morning. 

b. 한 문장안에서의 시제 일치 

  - I was going home on the weekends, but I had occasional insomnia. (등위접속사로 연결된 양 문장의 시제는 동일하게 되는 것이 일반적) 

  - My parents will think it's a good idea. 

  - I am glad that you received our invitation. 

  - He feels sorry for what he had done. 

1) Jack called me today.

2) Monica took Japanese class last year, but she is taking Chinese this year. 

3) Though he was injured, he completed the marathon course. 

4) Her dad promised her a new toy if she lost weight. 

5) The boy is about to say he is sorry. 

2. 현재진행형의 사용 

a. 현재와의 비교 

  - She is making dinner. (현재 저녁식사를 준비하는 것이므로 진행형)

  - I am playing tennis right now. 

  - I understand that you are having trouble withdrawing the money from the bank. 

b. 일정 시간을 두고 현재 진행되고 있는 사건 

  - We are using up the world's resources. (계속 진행되는 사건이므로 현재 진행형이 좋음) 

  - The sky is getting dark. (지금 날이 어두워지고 있음을 진행형으로 사용하는게 좋음) 

1) He lives on the boat all the time. 

2) His research is drawing attention from biologists. 

3) We are having a lot of rain this summer. 

3. 완료형의 사용 

a. 현재와 현재완료 

  - It's really hard to reach you. (현재형은 지금 연락이 되지 않는 상황을 말함)

  - It has been really hard to reach you. (현재완료는 계속 연락되기 힘들다는 의미) 

  - I hope you don't forget me. (잊지마 라는 미래 의미)

  - I hope you haven't forgetten me. (아직 잊지 않았지? 의 의미)

  - I sent you an e-mail. Please let me know if you have received it. (이미 메일을 받았다면 연락해 주라고 할때 현재 완료사용)

 b. 과거와 현재완료 

  - It never rained in the region last winter. (과거에서 끝난 사실) 

  - It has hardly rained this year, so we are short of water. (현재완료로 현재에 영향을 주는 사실을 말할때 사용) 

1) Has there been any progress in the project? 

2) Now I have given up my dream of becoming a TV star. 

3) It's been almost ten years since I last saw him

4) Restaurants and bars were closed. They're open now. 

5) Your academic experience has taught you how to think critically. 

4. 미래 나타내기

a. Will /be going to : 중립적 미래를 나타낼때는 will 을 주로 사용, 동사나 형용사의 종속절에서 주로 사용 

  - It should be no problem for me to write a recommendation. (should 는 별 문제야 되겠는가 라는 의미) 

  - Student who get over 75% will be exempt from taking the next test. (가능성이 높으므로 will 사용) 

  - We are going to invite him to ourhouse. (be going to 는 현재 하려고 결정한 일이나 일어날 기미가 있는 어떤 일이 미래에 실행되는 경우 사용, 이미 초대하려고 마음먹었을때 사용함. will 은 방금 결심했음을 의미 )  

 b. 현재(진행)형

  - Our flight leaves at 2:30. (공식적으로 정해져 있거나 미래에 확실히 일어날 사실을 현재시제로 씀) 

  - We start exams next week and I am sure he will do well. 

1) If I need more help, I will call you. 

2) I am going to get something to eat. 

3) Among vaious means of contact, email is the best. 

<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 교재>


블로그 이미지

Brilliant Idea

Introduce Korean actors and actresses in Korean Drama.


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