'영작문'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2022.07.25 | 영작문하기 - 유용한 표현들 - 수의 표시 (expressing numbers) 1
  2. 2022.07.25 | 영작문 잘 쓰기 - 주제, 견해, 관점 (Topic, Opinion, Viewpoint)
  3. 2022.07.17 | 영작문 연습 - 정확한 어휘의 선택
  4. 2022.07.16 | 영어 문법 공부 - 대명사


1.  기수 (Cardinal numbers)

  • 기수는 보통의 수를 말함 / 1~0는 영문으로 표시하고 두 단어 이상이나 너무 길 경우 숫자를 쓴다. / The woman works 12 hours a day. / Some eight years later, he finally returned home. 
  • Centry (세기) 는 단어로 표기 / Two other decades were printed in the fifteenth century. 
  • 문장의 처음은 수로 시작하지 않는 것이 좋음 / One hundred thirty young people from Russian and 76 from Brazil arrived in Israel this week. 
  • am. pm 이 붙을 경우에는 숫자로만 사용할 것 / Today the sun sets at 6 p.m./ There will be a Mass at St.Andrew's at 11am. 
  • 큰단위의 기수에 hundred, thousand, million 이 쓰이나 다른 단어의 수식을 받는 경우 단수로만 사용 / We saw the creation of several hundred jobs here. / Nearly 30 million people in Africa were infected. 
  • 수천, 수백 등은 예외적으로 복수로 사용 / This annual festival draws hundreds of people every spring. /It's a chance to save millions of lives. 
  • 21 이상의 두 단위의 수를 풀어써야 할 때 하이픈 사용 / forty-six, two hundred and forty-five /Tom was twenty-three years old. / I was thirty-one and she was nineteen. 
  • 통계 과학논문등에서는 수를 그대로 쓰는 것이 보통 / Only four major foods - nuts (43%), eggs (21%) and soy (9%) - cause most of reactions. 
  • 그외의 글에서는 %를 percent 로 씀 / He can make 8 percent on his investment. 
  • 매우 큰 수는 단어를 적거나 수로 표시 / four billion dollars => 4 billion dollars / 24,500,000 / 24.5 million 
  • 생략된 표인인 No. 남용하지 말 것 / Parking lot No.5 / China is No.1 in exports. 


2. 서수 (Ordinal numbers) 

  • 시간이나 공간적인 순서에 사용 / The first hour will be presentations. / He is the sixth-richest person in the world. 
  • 단수명사 앞에 쓰이는 수는 서수가 되어야 하는 경우가 많음 / This is the fourth time he has had a car accident. /It was his third penalty miss from seven attempts. / The second hour will be in the listening lab. / She was in the twelfth grade. (단어 변환에 주의할 것 twelveth (x) / twelfth (o)) 
  • 숫자를 이용한 서수의 표현 / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 26th, 33rd, 91st... 
  • 부정관사를 동반하는 경우 / We learned English as a first language. / He gave me a second chance. 
  • 등위를 나타내는 경우에는 정관사 없이 쓰임 / Breast cancer is second only to thyroid cancer. / He ranked fifth palce in the event. 

3. 분수와 소수 (fraction and decimals) 

  • 분자, 분모의 형태, 하이픈 / 1/2 => a half / 1/8 => a eighth / 4/5 => four-fifths 
  • 분수/소수의 수의 일치 / 동사는 분수 뒤에 나오는 명사의 시제에 일치시킴 / Two thirds of the planet is water. 
  • 1 이상의 분수 뒤의 명사는 복수 / This plant grows about two and a half feet tall. / About two and a half months ago, I lost my job. 
  • 소수는 대개 숫자로 표현, 뒤의 명사를 복수로 표기하는 방식은 분수와 같음. / This is 1.2kilometers away from the mine site. / Koreans drink 12.3 cups of coffee a week. 

4. 무게, 높이, 크기, 넓이 (Weight, Height, Size, Width) 등 

  • 길이, 높이 /It's within one or two meters. / The corridor was about twenty meters long. / The bridge was about four meters high. /His height is 5 feet 3 inches. / He is 5'3" (fall). / He is 173cm. 
  • 무게 / She'd gained eleven pounds (5kg) in a month. / It's the size of a small bus and weights 3,400 kilograms (3.4tons). / The daily intake of fiber is suggested to be 30~ 40 grams. 
  • 넓이, 크기 / The yard is 30 meters long and 45 meters wide. / The water tank was three meters tall and two meters wide. / The plank is 120 inches long, 15 inches wide and 5 inches thick. /The volume of this tank is roughly 11.5m3 (=cubic meters). 


<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 II 교재>




1. 주제 (~에 관해)  : About, On, As for, As to, concerning, regarding, with regard to 등 다양하게 사용 

  • About, Considering, Regarding : 주로 사용됨 / I have often thought about this problem. / I am emailing you concerining your housing needs. / We need further discussion and collaboration regarding / concerning the current issues. 
  • on, as to : ~에 관해, ~에 대해로 사용 (좀더 격식) / He has many books on Japan. (일본에 관한 책) / She published several books on American history. / I was uncertain as to which course to take. (어떤 코스를 선택할 지에 대해 불확실하다.) / Please advise as to the beginning and end dates of your stay. 
  • Relating / related to ~에 관련해 로 주제를 나타낼 때 사용 가능 / All questions relating to the event should be directed to Caroline. / People can use texting to ask questions related to health. 
  • As for, with regard to 는 이미 논의되고 있는 주제에 주로 쓰임 / As for the house, there is some furniture in it, but not much. (그 집에 대하여.. 로 그 전에 이미 논의된 바 있는 주제임 ) / With regard to this, I will show you a few examples. 
  • In regard to, with respect to 도 ~에 관해 라는 의미로 사용됨  He is very formal in regard to himself. / They differ with respect to the other factors they measure. / With respect to gas prices, the big question is this. 

2. 견해 - in one's opinion / from one's viewpoint / from one's point of view / from the standpoint of one's

  • in one's opinion / In one's opinion, there is not a great deal of time left.
  • From one's point of view / Try to look at the things from her poin tof view. 
  • 자신의 견해 - In my opinion / view
  • 내가 아는 정도를 말할 때 - as far as I am concerend, to my knowledge, as far as I know 등 사용 

3. 관점 - From a purely practical point of view (= viewpoint) 

  • in terms of 는 특정 주제의 명사와 함께 사용 / This job is great in terms of salary. 
  • From a purely practical point of view, this room is too small. 
  • She always looks at things from a technological standpoint. 
  • We should rethink the meaning of the historic event in a modern perspective view
  • Let's look at this through a feminist lens. (페미니스트의 관점에서 보자.) 

※ in light of = becuase of 의 의미 / We cancelled the meeting in light of the tragic accident. 

<출처: 방송통신대 영작문 II 교재>


영작문 연습 - 정확한 어휘의 선택

Study/English study | 2022. 7. 17. 21:51
Posted by Brilliant Idea


1. 명사 

  - study 추상적인 배움(추상명사로 단수) vs 공부 (복수명사 가능) 

  - Guidance : 도움 지도  

  - Flashlight : 손전등 

  - Objective : 목표 

  - Neighborhood : 이웃 

  - Drawback : 약한 단점, Defect : 심각한 단점, Fault : 인간의 실수 

 1) The winners of each competition were rewards.  ==> awards

2) Everyone desires harmonization among Christians.==> harmony

3) They story involves a three-related love between a wife, a husband and her lover. ==> a love triangle

4) If we don't get back to the basic, we are lost. ==> basics

5) A viloent demonstration broke out to demand of the nullification of the Union's presdient. ==> reelection

2. 동사 

  - 부르러 가다 : bring 대신 fetch 사용

  - 약을 먹다 : eat 대신 take medicine 

  - 학교에 가다 : enter 대신 go to / attend school 

  - 향상시키다 : grow 대신 develop 

  - 셔틀을 잡다 : get 대신 catch a shuttle 

  - 직장을 찾다 : get a job 은 직장이 생기다의 뜻, find a job 이 직장을 찾다의 의미 

  - 메세지를 전달하다 : Deliver a message 

  - 어떤 사실을 알게되었을 때 : Know 대신 Learned 를 쓰는 것이 자연스럽다. 

  - 기억하다 : remember 보다 recoginize (인식하다) 가 더 적당하다. (ex. Viewers often recognize some professors from by their frequent appearance on the TV Screen.) 

  - 스트레스를 없앤다 : reduce / get rid of stress 라고 쓰는 것이 좋다. (remove (x) ) 

  - 회의를 열다 : held meetings (open (x))

  - 시민권을 취득하다 : acquire Canadian citizenship. (possess(x))

  - 고통을 느끼다 : undergo (receive(x))

  - 시험에서 떨어뜨리는 것 : disqualify  (drop(x)) 

  - 자신의 입장을 말하다 : state 

  - 잠못자게 하다 : keep me sleepless 가 자연스럽다. (make me sleepless 는 어색)

1) In the dar, one cannot look well.  ==> see 

2) The board does not have to accept the advice of its advisory committees. ==> follow

3) It will fade the value of the historic event. ==> diminish

4) The boys picked up feathers from the hen. ==> plucked 

5) He tried to resemble the successful men. ==> emulate

6) I am looking at television. ==> watching

7) The crash made more than 15 people injured. ==> left

8) We should extract a resonable conclusion.==> reach

9) We must discover ways to make a peaceful society.  ==> create

10) According to the strict regulations of the new building, workers have to hand in their identification card.  ==> show

3. 형용사 

  - 아이스커피 : iced coffee 

  - 적절한 가격 : resonable price 

  - available 은 구체적인 대상, possible 은 추상적인 대상 

  - early age 어린 나이 

  - enclosed (막힌) coffee shop 

  - 과거분사는 수동, 현재분사는 능동의 의미로 사용 

1) In Korea the sky is high in the fall. ==> clear

2) These days many university graduates cannot find appropriate jobs.==> adequate

3) The woman looked gracious. ==> graceful

4) I got completely confusing with my dates. ==> confused

5) The worst is when my children look boring. ==> bored

4. 부사

  - 잘 기르다 : bring up well

  - 떨어져 살다 : liver apart 

1) I'm quite sure we'll win. 

2) We saw him teach with great passion.

3) People are losing their jobs at an earlier age

4) He broke the vase into pieces

<출처: 방송통신대학 교재 영작문 II>


영어 문법 공부 - 대명사

Study/English study | 2022. 7. 16. 23:16
Posted by Brilliant Idea


1. 인칭대명사의 격

a. 주격을 목적격으로, 목적격을 주격으로 잘못 쓰지 말것 

  - Anna began the quarrel, not us. (보어위치에 목적격 사용)

  - She was slightly shorter than him.  ( 비교급 위치에서 목적격 사용)

b. 정확한 소유격을 사용할 것 

  - The laboratory recruited its new researchers. (its => the laboratory's ) (격과 수에 맞는 소유격을 선택)

  - English changed the names of the letters with them. (사물의 소유격을 나타낼 때 명사 + of the~ 로 표현)

c. 소유격이 필요한지 아닌지 구분할 것 

  - David finished his homework. (다른 사람의 것으로 혼동될 우려가 있을 때 소유격을 표시) 

  - Our departure may be delayed one or two days. (누가 출발하는지 명시해야 할 때 소유격 표시) 

  - I was thinking about the time working with you. (문맥상 필요없는 경우)

  - He needs to lose weight. (관용적 표현에서 소유격 생략)

1) Her husband is three years older than her

2) That's when I knew it was him

3) I don't like people asking my weight

4) The package I ordered should be delivered today. 

5) Thank you for coming today to our workshop for knowledge sharing. 

6) Drivers sometimes lose control of their cars. (관용적 표현에서 소유격 생략)

2. 인칭대명사의 특수용법 

a. it 의 사용 : 날씨, 시간, 거리 등의 비인칭 용법에 사용 

  - It was hot that August. 

  - Tomorrow will be hot = It will be hot tomorrow. 

b. 가주어 / 가목적어 : It ~ that ... 

  - It was good meeting you at the conference in Madrid. 

  - It is always better to say less. 

  - You will find it interesting to learn magic. (가목적어 it  -  목적보어가 형용사일때 가목적의 사용이 가능) 

c. 대용대명사 one의 적절한 사용 

  - 수식을 받을 수 있고 복수형이 있음 

  - Here are the books. Which is yours?  => Here are the books. Which one is yours? 

d. 지시대명사 this/ that 

  - Have you read all of this? (this/these 는 화자의 심리적, 감정적, 시간적으로 가까운 대상에 사용) 

  - Everyone says girls can't play baseball, but I do not belive that. (생각의 거리감이 느껴지므로 that 사용) 

1) That was raining too much. => It was raining too much. 

2) That they don't like their boss seems. ==> It seems that they don't like their boss. 

3) This is over 100 miles from London to Oxford. ==> It is over 100 miles from London to Oxford. 

4) Her face was close to the stranger. ==> Her face was close to that of the stranger. 

5) We will replace the sliding door with that can be locked. ==> We will replace the sliding door with one that can be locked. 


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