'구동사의 사용'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2022.07.18 | 영작문 공부 - 어휘의 다양성 (Diversity Word Choice)


1. be 동사의 절제 

  - be 동사대신 다른 동사로 바꿀 것 : sound / taste / grow / feel / turn / go 

   It is / sounds reasonable. 

   The food was / tasted delicious. 

   Things changed when she was / turned seven. 

1) The butter was / went rotten. 

2) Today's lesson will be / take one and a half hours. 

3) Ms. Canterbury was sick last week, but she is / feels fine now. 

2. 같은 단어의 반복을 피함 

1) Before being admintted, they had to go through a through physical examination. 

   ==>  Before being adminitted, they had to undergo a through physical examination. 

2) It will do to do your best. 

  ==> It's good to do your best. 

3. 동의어 사용 

1) At one time or other, we all face difficulty. = adversity

2) We have to prepare for the coming crisis. = imminent

3) We would like to have a short half-hour interview with you. = conduct

4) I just finished making a book shelf. = building

4. (비)격식체 어휘의 활용 

a. 비격식체 /격식체 어휘 

  - We should help old people (격식체) / We should help the elderly / seniors. (비격식체) 

  - Her lesson began with Mozart's sonata. (격식체) / Her lesson commenced with Mozart's sonata. (비)

b. 격식의 일관성 

  - 한 문장에서 격식을 일정하게 유지하는 것이 필요함. 

c. 동사 get 의 사용 

  - 회화체에 가까운 비격식체로 다른 표현이 있을 때는 피하는 것이 좋음. 

1) It is also used in the later recovery procedures. 

   ==> It is also used in the subsequent recovery procedures. 

2) She couldn't go to school for a week. 

   ==> She has been absent from school for a week. 

3) We dined at a casual restaurant next to the marina. 

   ==> We dined at a casual restaurant adjacent to the marina. 

5. 구동사의 사용 

1) I tried to find the train times. ==> I looked up the train times. 

2) Her grandmother raised the grandson. ==> Her grandmother brought the grandson up

3) They have to submit their compositions tomorrow. ==> They have to hand in their cimpositions tomorrow. 

4) We'll have to delay the schedule until next month. ==> We'll have to put off the schedule until next month. 

<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 II 교재>


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