'영작문에 유용한 문구들'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2022.07.24 | 영작문시 유용한 표현들

영작문시 유용한 표현들

Study/English study | 2022. 7. 24. 00:55
Posted by Brilliant Idea


1. AS ~ 로서, ~처럼  

  • as it is : 현상태로 - I think this could remain as it is. (현상태로 남아 있어야 한다고 생각해) 
  • as long as : ~ 하는 한 - As long as people can communicate, there will be trades. 
  • as of ~ 날짜로 - As of May 1, about 140,000 had undergone isolation at home. 

2. SO : 강조, 대용 

  • so that = in order - They changed the law so that you had to carry a pass to go to the city. 
  • They're so disorganized that they didn't inform me of the deadline until today. 

3. Such :  명사구가 뒤 따름 

  • Such behavior is not tolereated. 
  • Such ~ that 구문 - You should internalize the skill to such a degree that you don't even notice it. 
  • as such : 그대로 - She will not be regarded as such. 

4. 복합전치사구 활용 

  • Contrary to (반대되는) - His though was contrary to democratic principles. 
  • becuase of / on account of /thanks to /due to / owing to ~ 떄문에, (덕분에) 
  • far from (동떨어진) - The president made it clear the war was far from over. 
  • in spite of (~에도 불구하고 ) = despite 
  • instead of (~ 대신)
  • on behalf of (~을 대신하여) - I am here on behalf of another client. 
  • on top of (게다가) - On top of that, he had to deal with medical treatments for his son. 

5. 예 (for example, such as, as follows, including, colon, dash)

  • 예 : for example - 문두 / 문장 중간에 올 경우엔 앞뒤에 쉼표 사용  - Many contries, for example, Brazil and France allow same-sex marriage. 예를 나열하는 것만으로 문장을 구성하지 말것. 
  • such as : 전체적 내용을 표시하기 위해 대표적인 예 몇가지를 드는 경우에 사용. - This category includes cars such as Tesla, Chevolet and kia. 
  • as follows, the following - '다음과 같다'라고 예를 드는 방식 - The new members are as follows: John, Smith, Brown, and Stewart. (= The new members include John, Smith, Brown, and Stewart) - the following 은 복수형으로 만들지 않고도 단수와 복수에 모두 쓸 수 있다. 
  • including, include : His books have various themes including broadcasting, rural life and travel. His book have various themes. Examples include broadcasting, rural life, and travel. 
  • 콜론 (colon) : People measure objects in three ways: length, width, and depth 
  • 대시 (dash) : He attributed his longevity to two factors - exercising and not smoking. 

6. 나열 순서 

  • First, Second, Third, Finally
  • To begin with, Next, Then, Lastly : To begin with you will learn English. Next, you will know another culture. Then, you will be able to read great literature. Finally, you will lead a sucessful life in the future. 
  • Firstly, Secondly, .. - ~ly 형을 일관되게 쓰는 것이 좋음. 
  • 결론내릴 때 : To conlcude, In conclusion, ~ concludes, To summerize, To sum up

7. 추가 

  • as well as : The shop sells books as well as newspapers. 
  • In addition to : In addition to more jobs, the report recommends better housing and improved education. 
  • 문장차원에서 추가 할때 : Besides, further, moreover, in addition 등을 쓸 수 있음 
  • Besides : 비격식체 - Besides, I lvoe old books. / I helped her out. Besides, I wanted to meet her. 
  • Moreover, Further : 격식체, what is more 와 나란히 쓰임 - Further, he has promised not to use his money. What is more, you need relatively little knowledge of either taxes or computers. 

8. 제외 

  • Except  ~을 제외하고 - 가장 많이 쓰임 / The library is open every day except Monday. 
  • except for 는 배타성을 강조할 때 좋음 / The family invited everyone except for Tim. / Except for the animals, he was alone in his house. 
  • apart from 도 제외의 의미가 있지만, as well as 의 의미가 될 수 있음에 주의할 것 / Apart from the ending, the movie was really good. / Apart from all the work, she had financial problems. (as well as 의 의미)
  • Other than 도 제외의 의미로 사용 가능 / Translation of content to languages other than English is of interest. / The beat of her pulse is throbbing, Other than that there is total silence. 
  • excluding 도 제외의 의미로 사용 가능 / Highlights of the legislation include : No more than 10 percent of calories from fat excluding eggs and cheese. 

<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 II 교재>


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