1. 시제의 일치
a. 시간의 부사표현과 시제의 일치
- I just got back from Incheon airport a few hours ago. ( 과거 동사 + ago)
- I sent you a text message this morsning, Or I've sent you a text message this morning.
b. 한 문장안에서의 시제 일치
- I was going home on the weekends, but I had occasional insomnia. (등위접속사로 연결된 양 문장의 시제는 동일하게 되는 것이 일반적)
- My parents will think it's a good idea.
- I am glad that you received our invitation.
- He feels sorry for what he had done.
1) Jack called me today.
2) Monica took Japanese class last year, but she is taking Chinese this year.
3) Though he was injured, he completed the marathon course.
4) Her dad promised her a new toy if she lost weight.
5) The boy is about to say he is sorry.
2. 현재진행형의 사용
a. 현재와의 비교
- She is making dinner. (현재 저녁식사를 준비하는 것이므로 진행형)
- I am playing tennis right now.
- I understand that you are having trouble withdrawing the money from the bank.
b. 일정 시간을 두고 현재 진행되고 있는 사건
- We are using up the world's resources. (계속 진행되는 사건이므로 현재 진행형이 좋음)
- The sky is getting dark. (지금 날이 어두워지고 있음을 진행형으로 사용하는게 좋음)
1) He lives on the boat all the time.
2) His research is drawing attention from biologists.
3) We are having a lot of rain this summer.
3. 완료형의 사용
a. 현재와 현재완료
- It's really hard to reach you. (현재형은 지금 연락이 되지 않는 상황을 말함)
- It has been really hard to reach you. (현재완료는 계속 연락되기 힘들다는 의미)
- I hope you don't forget me. (잊지마 라는 미래 의미)
- I hope you haven't forgetten me. (아직 잊지 않았지? 의 의미)
- I sent you an e-mail. Please let me know if you have received it. (이미 메일을 받았다면 연락해 주라고 할때 현재 완료사용)
b. 과거와 현재완료
- It never rained in the region last winter. (과거에서 끝난 사실)
- It has hardly rained this year, so we are short of water. (현재완료로 현재에 영향을 주는 사실을 말할때 사용)
1) Has there been any progress in the project?
2) Now I have given up my dream of becoming a TV star.
3) It's been almost ten years since I last saw him.
4) Restaurants and bars were closed. They're open now.
5) Your academic experience has taught you how to think critically.
4. 미래 나타내기
a. Will /be going to : 중립적 미래를 나타낼때는 will 을 주로 사용, 동사나 형용사의 종속절에서 주로 사용
- It should be no problem for me to write a recommendation. (should 는 별 문제야 되겠는가 라는 의미)
- Student who get over 75% will be exempt from taking the next test. (가능성이 높으므로 will 사용)
- We are going to invite him to ourhouse. (be going to 는 현재 하려고 결정한 일이나 일어날 기미가 있는 어떤 일이 미래에 실행되는 경우 사용, 이미 초대하려고 마음먹었을때 사용함. will 은 방금 결심했음을 의미 )
b. 현재(진행)형
- Our flight leaves at 2:30. (공식적으로 정해져 있거나 미래에 확실히 일어날 사실을 현재시제로 씀)
- We start exams next week and I am sure he will do well.
1) If I need more help, I will call you.
2) I am going to get something to eat.
3) Among vaious means of contact, email is the best.
<출처: 방송통신대학 영작문 교재>
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