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Study/English study

영어 문법 공부 - 대명사

by Brilliant Idea 2022. 7. 16.

1. 인칭대명사의 격

a. 주격을 목적격으로, 목적격을 주격으로 잘못 쓰지 말것 

  - Anna began the quarrel, not us. (보어위치에 목적격 사용)

  - She was slightly shorter than him.  ( 비교급 위치에서 목적격 사용)

b. 정확한 소유격을 사용할 것 

  - The laboratory recruited its new researchers. (its => the laboratory's ) (격과 수에 맞는 소유격을 선택)

  - English changed the names of the letters with them. (사물의 소유격을 나타낼 때 명사 + of the~ 로 표현)

c. 소유격이 필요한지 아닌지 구분할 것 

  - David finished his homework. (다른 사람의 것으로 혼동될 우려가 있을 때 소유격을 표시) 

  - Our departure may be delayed one or two days. (누가 출발하는지 명시해야 할 때 소유격 표시) 

  - I was thinking about the time working with you. (문맥상 필요없는 경우)

  - He needs to lose weight. (관용적 표현에서 소유격 생략)

1) Her husband is three years older than her

2) That's when I knew it was him

3) I don't like people asking my weight

4) The package I ordered should be delivered today. 

5) Thank you for coming today to our workshop for knowledge sharing. 

6) Drivers sometimes lose control of their cars. (관용적 표현에서 소유격 생략)

2. 인칭대명사의 특수용법 

a. it 의 사용 : 날씨, 시간, 거리 등의 비인칭 용법에 사용 

  - It was hot that August. 

  - Tomorrow will be hot = It will be hot tomorrow. 

b. 가주어 / 가목적어 : It ~ that ... 

  - It was good meeting you at the conference in Madrid. 

  - It is always better to say less. 

  - You will find it interesting to learn magic. (가목적어 it  -  목적보어가 형용사일때 가목적의 사용이 가능) 

c. 대용대명사 one의 적절한 사용 

  - 수식을 받을 수 있고 복수형이 있음 

  - Here are the books. Which is yours?  => Here are the books. Which one is yours? 

d. 지시대명사 this/ that 

  - Have you read all of this? (this/these 는 화자의 심리적, 감정적, 시간적으로 가까운 대상에 사용) 

  - Everyone says girls can't play baseball, but I do not belive that. (생각의 거리감이 느껴지므로 that 사용) 

1) That was raining too much. => It was raining too much. 

2) That they don't like their boss seems. ==> It seems that they don't like their boss. 

3) This is over 100 miles from London to Oxford. ==> It is over 100 miles from London to Oxford. 

4) Her face was close to the stranger. ==> Her face was close to that of the stranger. 

5) We will replace the sliding door with that can be locked. ==> We will replace the sliding door with one that can be locked.